Pool Cleaning 101: Filters

Essentially, there are two important things that a pool owner has to consider when he or she wants to keep her pool at a healthy condition. 1. Constant running water; the kind of water that go on good circulation and will unlikely have the chances of getting stagnated. 2. Proper filtration; where it keeps the dirt off the precious pool.

Proper filtration in your pool will not only ascertain that the water will not get filthy; it also gives you assurance that bacteria is prevented from every infesting your pool. Something of ulterior importance to any pool owner. Come to think of it, who would want to swim over a pool full of sickness causing bacteria?

Pool filters have 3 types. They are the ones most widely used the homeowners to ensure the comprehensive maintenance of their residential swimming pools and pools of other proportions. If you want to keep a clean pool keep reading.

1. Sand Filters

Generally, all sand filters make use of 3 mechanisms: 1. they contain sand, which is actually the distinguishing material that is used to filter out dirt from the pool water. 2. the water enters at the top of the filter then flows down to the sand filters to be sifted off with dirt and debris. 3. the cleaner water is issued back to the pool.

Sand filters are perhaps one of the oldest known methods of water filtration known to man. Way even before during the time of ancient civilizations, they already make use of sand to filter out dirt from their water linkages in order to make the water potable.

They are very effective cleaning mechanisms when you are not making use of any chlorine oriented cleaning agents such as biguanides.

2. Cartridge Filters

Cartridge filters also have 3 things in common. 1. All types of cartridge filters make use of fiber pleated cartridges to trap all kinds of dirt in the pool water. 2. This water will flow down from the top of the tank into the bottom where the cartridges are situated and then it gets filtered. 3. Cleaners is then returned back to the pool ready for use.

Cartridge filters are generally large in size. The pleated fiber material can reach as large as several hundred square feet, very much larger than that of residential sand filters which sizes range only below 4 square feet. Due to its considerable size the chances of it getting dirty in between cleanings would take a while.

3. DE Filters

Diatomaceous Earth Filters are the best known filters to any pool owners. They make use of highly specialized microscopic mechanism called septum, finger-like in form that traps almost all impurities present in the pool water.

DE filters basically functions in the same way as the previous two filters. The only difference is that it makes of DE coated septum to do a better job.